Friday, May 20, 2011


The thought of going for an exchange in my Year 3 final semester has sparked my interest lately. Come to think of it, it's quite an experience and not much further costs will be incurred, which is the main concern. As such, I guess I'll be planning my course structure for the next 3 semesters to suit this path, just in case I decide to go for it in the end.

Essentially, I'll keep all 4 of my Year 3 Sociology modules for the final semester because there are more options to do Sociology as compared to Media elsewhere. I'm looking at the University of Manchester in the UK, and Scandinavian countries, in particular Lund University in Sweden where Marc went. Not too keen on Finland, Denmark and Norway though but it's worth a thought.


1) Cost. Tuition fees will be the same. How it works is that I'll go for exchange but I'll pay the same fees here at UniMelb. Accommodation-wise I pay for accommodation in country of exchange and obviously I would not be renting a place here in Melbourne when I'm away. So it works out to be about the same in the end. I might even save because school only starts in September in the UK. So from June to August I'll head back to Singapore.

2) On the topic of accommodation, Clarence is planning to go for an exchange in our final semester as well. He's moving out next semester, while I'm staying put to see out my lease. Then I'll probably move in with him again the semester after next. Long story. Anyway the point is, it might be yet another issue if he goes for exchange and I don't, then we'll have to look for someone to take over his part of the rent again.

3) Grades. On exchange, you'll only need to pass your subjects. So far, I guess I can qualify for Scandinavia, UK is probably a tad more difficult to qualify. But by 2 semesters later, I should be able to do it. Working towards that. And by just passing my subjects while on exchange, my 'good' grades can be preserved.

4) Experience. Well, it's always good to experience a different education system and life in another country. To look at it more superficially though, I want to go to Manchester for obvious reasons. And Scandinavia to see the Northern Lights.

Much to think about and the good thing is I still have quite a lot of time to consider in greater detail. Probably there are factors I haven't considered yet as well but tentatively this is it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What's Left To Do

Writing Journalism
  • News Feature (900 words) - due 7th June
  • Final Report (1200) - 7th June

Net Communication
  • Blog (3 more posts: 1 informal, 2 formal) + redesigning of blog layout - 6th June

Sexual Politics
  • Essay (2000) - 6th June

Critical Analytical Skills
  • Essay (2000) - 14th June

Get started.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

All Smiles

A few of the players after securing the all-important record 19th league title. Photo taken from Rio Ferdinand's Twitter account.

From left: Darron Gibson, Michael Carrick, Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Rio Ferdinand, Wes Brown, Michael Owen, Chris Smalling.

Trophy presentation next week at home ground Old Trafford. :)

And then bring it on Barcelona, for the Champions League final.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Totally Random

Just the other night I was watching soccer with Alvin, online that is, and usually his live stream will lag mine by a couple of minutes so I'm always the one telling him whenever a goal is scored. That night he texted me first with a "GOOAALLL!!" and I was quite surprised that this time I was lagging him. Turned out to be that he was just kidding.

So, I decided to let him have a taste of his own medicine. A while later I did the exact same thing to him, but before he could reply and probably less than a minute after I texted him, ManUtd really scored! I was just dumbstruck. And when he asked me who scored I replied so excitedly, "EH ACTUALLY I WAS ONLY KIDDING BUT THEY REALLY SCORED!!"

Talk about being psychic.

p.s. This post is really totally random.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sexual Preferences

Sexual Politics lecture was rather intense today. Especially when you have a radical feminist lesbian professor who insists that sexual orientation is totally socially constructed, while the whole lecture theatre feels that there are biological factors contributing to it to a certain extent. In the end you get two extreme views and the argument between lecturer and students got pretty heated up.

Personally, I subscribe to the norm, that both biological factors (testosterone & estrogen) and social construction play a part in our sexual orientation. Both are equally important when it comes to how one becomes heterosexual or homosexual.

My professor may be right when she says that we have a choice in deciding our sexual orientation. For instance we can open our minds and accept the fact that we can like people of the same gender. But we're right too, because we have scientific backing. Who's to say who's wrong?