Monday, March 28, 2011

Thoughtful Conversations

Was talking to a friend online tonight. Let's just call her Girl A, so that her identity is protected.

PM 11:05:02 Girl A: Andy. U r a really cool person. As a friend and maybe even a boyfriend. Be upset but the whole good guy don't deserve this crap thing is false

PM 11:18:39 Girl A: I wish u could see urself through my eyes
PM 11:18:46 Girl A: Then u would appreciate urself more

PM 11:39:22 Girl A: In all honesty, I just told XX just now, Andy is a very sweet guy n I would like to date him if I was ready
PM 11:39:38 Girl A: See? Very straightforward right
PM 11:41:04 Girl A: So I hope that boost ur ego Abit n make u feel better about urself being a great guy.
PM 11:41:26 Girl A: If not I won't bear my thoughts out so openly to u if I feel that it wouldn't help u

Not that I need a morale booster or anything, that's not the point. Nor am I experiencing a period of low self-esteem and wallowing in self-pity, that would never happen, because I've always believed that one should always love oneself no matter what. The point is, I'm grateful for people like that to put me back on track when the bros are so far away. So thank you, Girl A.

p.s. This is not bragging, either.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Top: Andy Penders. Ex-colleague of mine at ESPN.
Bottom: Javier Hernandez. Man Utd's new & rising Mexican striker. Nicknamed "Chicharito" meaning "Little Pea".

Okay well, they actually look more alike on tv, the photos don't do justice.

I remember the time when we were at MBS watching Manutd vs Liverpool. Chicharito was playing in that game but he was subbed out before the match ended. And guess who was the presenter of the match show? Haha. And I made a joke saying, "Eh look, Chicharito! No wonder he was subbed out, 'cause he needed to go shower and rush to the studio on time."

It got everybody laughing. Fun times.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Excerpts of news from a game called Weird Newscasters from the show Whose Line Is It Anyway? This show is genius, cracks me up all the time.

"According to a recent scientific report men think about sex every 6 seconds, and because.. *pauses and smiles*"

"This just in.. Beverly Hills 90210, Cleveland Browns 3."

"After a disappointing summer, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall."

"Psychic convention cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances."

"NASA sends probe to Uranus, people everywhere giggle."

"Veteran British rockers Roger Daltrey, Pete Townsend and John Entwistle broke into an animal hospital today and set free all of the doberman pinschers. The police said that they have now proved that The Who let the dogs out."

"A man who was swallowed whole by a whale escaped today by running all the way down to the end until he was pooped out."

"A fight was started downtown by a man wearing a suit made completely of mirrors. The police said the man apologised once he had time to sit down and reflect."

"The great Zambonee, eccentric human cannonball, known for taking his lucky donkey to all his performances, escaped near tragedy today when the donkey climbed into the cannon muzzle just as Zambonee was taking off. It took the surgeons 3 hours to remove Zambonee's head from his ass."

and my favourite...

"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer dead at 53. I know it is sad. Over Barcelona today the famed reindeer was hit by a flock of seagulls and a 747. Eyewitnesses report, that the reindeer in Spain was hit mainly by the plane."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"would it be out of line to say that i love you, a little more than i should. and at the end of the day, when all hope is gone, i still hope to be the one that you'll turn to when you feel like the whole world has turned its back on you; never will i forsake someone like you. because you're beautiful like that. that's how i am. and that's how i'll always be."

Monday, March 21, 2011

Have You Ever

You know, if I were to like a song, the lyrics must be able to relate to how I'm feeling at that moment. That's the first thing I look out for. They don't have to be really poetic, sometimes simplicity is beautiful too. Lyrics over music anytime, it has always been for me.

On the contrary, some people like a song because of its melody. For instance, Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat's "Lucky" is a very nice song, but it's also a very happy song. Don't you feel that you'll like it more when you're feeling happy, yet it doesn't have any impact on you when you're feeling sad? Well, it's like that for me.

I listen to songs almost every night on my bed before I sleep, it's been a habit. I remember listening to Uncle Kracker's "Smile" at one point in time last semester for almost a week, because it literally made me smile just listening to it. And sometimes, you just seek solace in certain songs.

Pretty interesting how my song choices are selective according to my mood, and how they complement it for the night.

Friday, March 18, 2011

"...and so I'll forget about you tonight. I promise. But I'll fall in love with you all over again tomorrow. And every single day."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stoic; Poignant Yet Strong

A friend asked me today..
"Why do you look so down these few days?"

Well, obviously she knows why, and she was just asking out of concern. I appreciate that.

"I don't know why also."

In all honesty I did not have an answer right there and then. I mean, perhaps I do know what's the reason, but I just didn't know what triggered the moody feelings in particular.

I forced a smile.

And somehow, seeing how Japan is suffering right now, I don't really see the need to smile, that much anyway. Stuff like that affects the whole world in one way or another, and you see people you don't know suffering, trying their best to rebuild and resume their lives again, trying their best to be strong. Inevitably, you would feel a lot for them and a heavy sense of benevolence, 'cause it's just so sad.

How can we then, as observers, laugh, be happy and don't give a damn about anything?

When can we ever be okay again?

Dear Japan

picture courtesy of the age.

Hang in there. When times are tough, don't ever give up.
Soon, all will tide over and you'll grow up,
you'll grow up strong.

The whole world's praying for you.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

She's Got You High

A song from (500) Days Of Summer. Very catchy, I like it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Bro!

Simi "boy boy"?!
Anyway damn I'm next amongst the 5 of us. Getting old.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Under Maintenance

My understudy from the army texted me on fb chat last night, telling me that he's started applying for his further studies in Australia. Future doctor there, haha.

And today, I texted my Chief Clerk this...

"hello ma'am! this is Andy, my australian number. just saying hi :) anyway sch has just started for Clarence and I and we're doing fine. hope you're good too. take care of yourself, and don't always be angry with the guys. haha."

Don't know what made me think of texting her but you know, things like that, if you could make someone's day and make them smile, why not?

All it takes is a simple text.


On a separate issue, Marc came over and we cooked bak kut teh for dinner because the pork ribs are left in the fridge for quite a few days now. And we had fried fish with eggs and steak as well.

Not too bad cooking for the first time, as a group that is. Usually I would just cook my own share as Clarence is still eating out most of the time.

Life somehow feels adversely different this semester.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's A Small World After All

Just last night I met Charlotte, one of Clarence's friends from his secondary school, whom so coincidentally happens to be my ex-girlfriend's long lost cousin. Talk about a small world huh. And Charlotte texted me today when she realised, saying that thanks to me she's found her cousin after so long. Nice.

Somehow, I still do believe that people meet for a reason. Well, for some reason or another anyway. Whoever knew that this random guy would downgrade his PES status in the army, get transferred from the training section of the unit to my office, and be colleagues with me for a good 10 months or so. I'm talking about Clarence of course. And speaking of coincidence again, we realised that we'll be studying in the same university overseas and supposedly taking the same degree. Before he fell ill and couldn't make the trip last semester, that is. And now he's my roommate. Nonetheless, that's what it is.

C'est la vie. Such is life. Sometimes people come into your life, and they stay in it forever. Some people come, and they may not stay. But you know that they have made a difference and an impact in your life so much so that you hope that they would stay, even for just a bit longer. Just so, you know, you could show that you care and you would never wanna leave, no matter what happens or regardless of whether they think the same way. At least you've made your point across.

You can throw away an inanimate object when it gets useless, buy a new one, get it replaced. But humans, we're not inanimate objects. Each one of us are unique and special in our own little ways, and that's what makes every individual amazing, isn't it?

As cliché as it may sound, life is short. Live it up, and tell people that you appreciate them, before it gets too late.